
Alex Hahn Publishing/BlopShop groups certain titles together under these current imprints. Some early publications are not assigned to an imprint. Most hand-made books and zines are classified as Alex Hahn Small Press.

Unrequited [Books/Small Press] Specialises in graphic non-fiction and autobiography such as the Post Conatus series. Titles include: Post Conatus Volume OneAGREYTUESDAYMORNING and Going Home

PORTMANTEAUX PICTURE BOOKS Publishes picture books for grown-ups. Starting with The Cruffin and Muffnut, this imprint will include sequels to You know who wears the Lion-Skin in this relationship... and more. 

Blop The Presses! Will debut with a brand new graphic novel adventure featuring everyone's favourite martian -Blop- in the near future.