Blop –everyone’s favourite Martian– makes his printed debut in 'What a lot of Blop!'
In 2010 Alex Hahn had to read The Alchemist for a university project and was not impressed; so he drew his signature character, Blop, on every page. This zine collects every single drawing, with the best ones highlighted.
Title: What a lot of Blop!
Subtitle: Recycling 'The Alchemist'
Author: Alex Hahn
Illustrator: Alex Hahn
Series: Blop – Everyone’s Favourite Martian
Published: 26/04/2012
Publisher / Imprint: Alex Hahn Small Press
Edition: Orange/standard: <100 copies; Green/limited edition: 35 copies.
Pages: 20
Dimensions: A5 (148mm x 210mm)
Binding: Paperback/Pamphlet; collage; hand finishing.
Details: Fully illustrated; monochrome.
Genre: Sci-Fi / Humour
Notes: The limited edition version includes a randomly selected original drawing from the book.
Availability: OUT OF PRINT